Capricorn Full Moon + Jupiter into Leo = All In

originalIt’s been hard to be away from my blog so long – apologies to anyone who has been looking for new posts! Summer is high season for many astrologers, including myself, who are working on forecasts for the coming year. Currently, I feel much more in touch with the themes of 2015 than the here and now. But I’ve always been somewhat of a planner so it’s fairly natural for me to be thinking ahead. It must be my Capricorn Moon. Hey, here’s the segueway into mentioning today’s Full Moon in Capricorn!!

Capricorn is a powerhouse of a sign. If you want something to get done, find a Capricorn. They will likely insist on doing it their way, but it will be done to the highest of standards. When the moon is full, as it was at 4:25am (Pacific Time) this morning, a part of our emotional selves are awakened. Full moons bring realizations to light and sometimes it is not always what we want to see. This can be a time when we can really feel the difference between how we’d like things to be and how they are. On the other hand, Full moons can show us the progress we’ve made. It’s a time for your efforts to come to fruition or see some results from anything you have started around the new moon. It’s a reality check and it doesn’t get more real than Capricorn’s un-sugarcoated progress report.

Today’s full moon is at 20 degrees Capricorn. If you have your astrology chart, you can find what house that sits in for you and see what area of your life might be most affected. I’m really feeling this one as it’s five degrees away from my moon, but maybe more importantly, it’s one degree away from my Mars (planet of ambition). The Capricorn full moon can activate parts of you that are ready to commit to something big. It’s a great time to feel your power and decide you’re ready to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. No wimping out for Capricorns! But this is a reasonable energy. A Capricorn would never foolishly start a race too fast only to run out of energy half way. They’re the ultimate marathoners. Calculating timing and just the right amount of energy to expend for the duration is their super power. That’s why they always make it to the finish.

Think about what you really want to spend your time and energy on. It’s about setting priorities and reaching your goal. This may mean less time and energy spent doing something else. What’s worth a little sacrifice to you? Or a lot? You may have an easier time answering this question after July 16, when Jupiter goes into Leo. For the past year, Jupiter has been in the watery, emotional sign of Cancer. If you feel like you have expanded your emotional capacities since last summer, you’re not alone. Jupiter helps us to grow and learn and maintain faith that things will turn out ok. Think back to your most difficult times last year and it’s likely you will also remember an increase in your intuition, emotional intelligence and compassion for yourself and others. I know I got a big dose of spirituality I didn’t even know existed!

But with Jupiter in Cancer, the idea wasn’t necessarily to get from point A to point B. It was learning how to get yourself set up for the ride. Now Jupiter is about to go into fiery Leo and you’d better hold on. All those dreams and parts of yourself you discovered last year? Well, we’re now getting the juice we need to start getting what we want! It will be harder to settle for a life that does not feed our soul and expand our hearts. I won’t be surprised to see a whole lot of creative activity bursting forth in the world over the next 12 months. Leo is the part of ourselves that courageously falls in love, takes a chance and lets people see our vulnerable artistic side. Both Jupiter and Leo are associated with success and doing things on a grand scale.

Remember the cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz? Everyone could see his greatness, except for him. It wasn’t until he got his award for bravery that he recognized his own power and courage. Jupiter can act much like this symbolic award. We’ll have the ability to validate ourselves and get recognized by others for who we truly long to be. Does following your passion take courage? Yes. The more you can take a risk to try something that would bring more joy into your life, the greater the reward. Jupiter encourages going bigger and pushing boundaries – yours and society’s.

The Capricorn full moon is a perfect set up for Jupiter’s move into Leo next week. Seize the moment today to focus on your priorities, dreams, ambitions and life purpose. Feel your power. Capitalize on the energies that can give you the foresight and determination to make a sustainable long-term plan for success. Then, when Jupiter moves into Leo next Wednesday, open your heart and consider yourself “all in.” Then put yourself out there. Then, be courageous and true to your heart and watch the magic unfold.