From Cope to Hope: Wrapping up April’s Astrology, Including the Solar Eclipse in Taurus


Now that April is coming to a close, I am able to take a breath and am wondering how the month has gone for everyone else. The Cardinal Grand Cross (see my last post for more information) was in full swing this past week (4/22-4/25) and I have heard different reports of “intense” happenings. I personally experienced some of the push-pull energy from two of planets that were squaring each other: Mars and Pluto (aggression and power). With Mars somewhat suppressed in both Retrograde and the sign of Libra, the result can often be passive-aggressive behavior.

It seemed to me that there were some weird power struggles afoot, with people attempting to assert themselves through less-than-graceful expressions. With Uranus , the planet of high energy and spontaneity, squaring Pluto and opposing Mars, it was difficult to stay grounded and focus on one thing at a time. There seemed to be a multitude of attention-grabbing inspirations, issues or ideas popping up at every turn in my life.

I’ve heard other astrologers mention the benefit of having a mellow, positive planet such as Jupiter involved in the Grand Cross, and I couldn’t agree more. Jupiter, in the nurturing sign of Cancer, has softened some of the aggressive energies and helped people to remember that they actually do care about one another, for the most part. It’s likely that there were conflicts and confrontations this month, given the strength and nature of the astrology, but it’s just as likely that people realized they won’t be able to adequately take care of themselves without taking care of the people around them.

I think the astrology of the past few weeks has put an emphasis on our interconnectedness and is trying to show us how to acknowledge that without losing our sense of self. That said, Cancer is an emotional sign and Jupiter has an expansive energy, so some drama could have been involved.

It seems that the old structures of every man or woman for themselves are being tested and proving to be ineffective. While Pluto worked to expose any selfishness within relationships, Jupiter waited in opposition to show what a more generous scenario could look and feel like. I believe that part of April’s lessons have to do with learning to compromise, and sometimes sacrifice, for the people and things we care about. And trust in the fact that we’re meant to collaborate with others, and not always serve only ourselves, even when it feels difficult.

Reinforcing the collaborative theme was a Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 15th. This eclipse served as a wake up call for any dysfunction in our relationships. People may have realized that they have some work to do in order to promote more equitable situations with loved ones. And now, just in time, we’re in store for a Solar Eclipse on Monday and will have the chance to experience an awakening around our own self-worth and examine what feeling secure means to us. Eclipses, both Lunar and Solar, symbolize endings and beginnings. There could be a lot of skin shedding going on right now.

environmentalismThe Solar Eclipse won’t be visible to us West Coast people – it will occur at 11:14pm on  Monday, April 28. The Sun and Moon will meet at 8 degrees of Taurus and this combined energy is extremely powerful for new beginnings that involve material possessions, your personal image/appearance, nature and the environment, long term goals, financial planning, and cultivating a more comfortable existence. It’s no coincidence that Earth Day falls while the Sun is in Taurus. This Eclipse can cause an environmental awakening that helps people to place more value on our planet’s natural resources. It’s an excellent chance to see areas of your life where you’ve been “coping” and decide that you and others deserve better.

All day on Tuesday, April 29 will be a potent time to direct your energy towards what you’d like to manifest not just for the next moon cycle, but for the next 6 months, when we’ll experience a new pair of Eclipses. Then, go bigger picture and think about the next 19 years. That’s how long it will take before we get another Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Taurus. For more information, think back to 19 years ago this time of year and see what turns up. I recommend writing down your intentions for maximum results.

With just a few days to go in April 2014, I’d like to congratulate everyone on navigating some of these recent waves created by the current astrology. While it won’t be completely smooth sailing in May, the waters should calm a bit, giving us all a chance to review what just happened.

Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Treasure Chests in the Muck: April’s Cardinal Grand Cross


*Note: Nothing is to scale in this illustration.

“So what you’re saying is that April is going to suck,” a recent client said to me during a reading. Well… not necessarily. That doesn’t mean that this month won’t be intense, enlightening, motivating, provoking and uncomfortable. But that may or may not suck, depending on your circumstances and state of mind. This particular client was born April 1, so she is going to be in what I’m calling the “crosshairs” of the Cardinal Grand Cross. Her Sun is at 10 degrees Aries, which puts it within a few degrees of the planet Uranus right now. This alone would be nutty enough, as Uranian energy is the kind of thing that acts like the lightning bolt to jolt you awake and prevent your life from becoming stagnant. In the sign of Aries, your inner desire to make things different can result in head-spinning alterations to your reality. It’s great for when you need a change, and really, Uranus only comes around to bother you when you need  it. You just might not be able to appreciate it in the moment because you’re trying to simultaneously hit the brakes, grab the steering wheel and put on your seatbelt while careening down an unknown road.

Anyway, Uranus will have some cohorts this month and the energy peaks around April 22-25, although you’ll likely feel it right about now and through most of the month. Squaring Uranus on one side will be Pluto, another planet pushing for transformation. Pluto is more of a shadowy force. You may not notice its effect right away, but Pluto’s cumulative impact over time will leave no question in your mind that you have been called out on your fears, your insecurities, your unrealistic expectations and, in the sign of Capricorn, it can represent a loss of innocence so that you can bloom into a more mature version of yourself. On the other side, Uranus is squared by Jupiter, planet of opportunity, expansion and good luck. Jupiter is in the sign of Cancer and it can offer the Yang to Pluto’s Yin. Jupiter can help you make the most of any situation and helps you to see that you had to wade through the swamp or you wouldn’t have stubbed your toe on that treasure chest buried in the muck.

The small, but powerful, planet completing the square and setting everything into  dynamic balance is Mars, which is in the sign of Libra. Mars has been moving in what astrologers call a “retrograde” motion since March 1, meaning to us on Earth, it appears to be moving backwards right now. This caused it to move into a position that will exactly oppose Uranus and square Pluto and Jupiter. Mars, planet of action, volatility, passion, anger and motivation is expressing itself through relationships in the collaborative sign of Libra. Whether you are in a partnership or not right now, this can translate into intense times that challenge us to figure out how to love ourselves and others fiercely and courageously.

Anyone who has their Sun, Moon or other strong doses of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn in their charts will be primed for some big life changes / realizations / shake ups / revolutions /  mind blowing this month. And, if your have your Sun, Moon or other planets on or around 13 degrees of any of these signs, you’re in the crosshairs. I would consider the crosshair birth dates to be these: Aries born March 31 – April 8; Cancers born July 2 to 11; Libras born October 4 – 12; and Capricorns born January 1 – 9. The people with their sun exactly at the same degree of the Cardinal Grand Cross are born January 4, April 3, July 6 and October 7.

Depending on the mix of energies in your birth chart, you may or may not be the type to embrace change. If you already know you’re more of a dig-your-heels-in kind of person, here’s the heads up to seek out a friend this month who you’ve witnessed swaying gracefully as a willow tree in the midst of a storm. The changes coming your way are a gift, but they may have a heck of a wrapping. This is a time to tap into your innate ability to go with the flow or take a crash course from someone who makes transformation look easy, and even exciting. The important thing is that you’re not alone. Even if you are not in the crosshairs or even one of the Cardinal Signs, this Grand Cross will have a global effect. On a big picture, it can uplift the underdogs and show humanity that things do not have to stay the same just because they have a history of being that way. Keep an eye out for themes of recognizing broken systems, people coming together to overcome oppression, individual empowerment and bountiful opportunities.

Sound like a lot? Oh, but that’s not all. By the way, we’re having two eclipses this month, too! The first will be a Lunar Eclipse on April 15th in the sign of Libra (with the Sun in Aries) and the second is a Solar Eclipse on April 29 (west coast) – 30 (east coast) in the sign of Taurus. Eclipses represent change, of all things. So you see no one is really immune to some kind of awakening or transformation this April. It’s my intention to follow up closer to the eclipses and get into more detail on what’s going on there in another blog post. But I should add that Uranus in my birth chart is at 10 degrees Libra, so my life has taken on an electrifying, but somewhat erratic flavor. I kind of can’t get enough of life right now and it’s putting me all over the map. If you haven’t guessed, I’m a change embracer, so hit me up if you are struggling with some of this month’s astrology and I can help you see how awesome it actually is.