Solar Eclipse in Cancer July 12

There’s a Solar Eclipse coming our way tomorrow in the emotionally intelligent and sensitive sign of Cancer! Can you feel it? This will be the first of three Eclipses this summer. Buckle up, as Eclipses represent change and often bring turbulence. We’re meant to wake up around the times of Eclipses so we can notice what’s really been going on, and make adjustments if we don’t like what we see. If you have been on track, often the Eclipses offer an extra boost forward or act to steer you away from potential pitfalls.

Solar Eclipses, like the one tomorrow, are high powered New Moons that provide the energy to set goals that will unfold over the next six months. In the sign of Cancer, goals related to security, home, family, self care, and creating emotional connections will be supported.

Below is a preview of the report I prepared on this Eclipse for To read the entire report, become a subscriber for $4.95/mo. Believe me, it’s so worth it. You’ll get access to so much information on all the major upcoming astrological events such as Eclipses, retrogrades, New Moons, Full Moons, and much more.

This work is my passion and I lovingly prepare this information with my unique interpretation on the current astrology. It’s my hope that these reports will help people get a different perspective on life and learn ways to work in harmony with the available astrological energies. In my experience, using astrological timing as a guide has offered me the personal success of being on my path, and I want more people to feel this way about their life. All proceeds from monthly subscriptions to go directly towards maintaining the site as Jan’s legacy, which was her wish.

Here’s a preview of the report:

JULY 12, 2018 (20° CANCER)
This Solar Eclipse will help you to understand and express your emotions more easily. During the next six months, you’ll be learning to release emotional blocks and develop compassion for yourself and others.

You’ll be learning how to nurture others without taking on their emotional baggage. This Eclipse brings lessons to remind us that we can support others without taking their emotional upsets personally. You’ll be encouraged to share your empathy and maintain healthy boundaries that keep you focused on your own life.

During the days around this Eclipse, you may find yourself focusing on what gives you a sense of security. This will be a productive time to set goals and make decisions that facilitate a sense of stability. Intentions related to finding a home/putting down roots, saving for the future, and self-care practices will be supported.

One word of caution: Try to keep a balanced perspective. The emotional energy around this Eclipse can cause you to censor your opinions for fear of hurting other people’s feelings. Practice sharing your views in a loving way. You will be the most help to others when you remain true to yourself.

If you were born July 11th – July 15th, of any year, . . . . . READ MORE HERE:


Wishing you all an enlightening and empowering Eclipse Season!

with love,


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